Rinnovabili •

The Fifth Feed-in Tariff comes into force today

45 calendar days on from the pertinent notification from the Aeeg (Electricity and Gas Authority), the 5th Feed-in Tariff officially comes into force

(Rinnovabili.it) – 45 days on from the reaching of the maximum ceiling value of 6 billion set for the total yearly cost of the incentives, the 5th Feed-in Tariff officially comes into force. There are numerous changes contained in the new FiT, which has triggered comments and criticism on several occasions within the sector. These include an increase in the spending budget, for a total of 200 million per year, as well as a considerable simplification of the registration procedures, introducing self-certification in place of the attested affidavit. Another new feature is a moderate rise in the threshold for access to the registers, up from 12 to 20 kW for all the relevant categories, provided they accept a feed-in tariff cut by 20%; exempt from this obligation are concentration plants, innovative plants and those created by Public Administrations, as well as plants of up to 50 kW to replace asbestos plants. Provided they comply with the requisites established by enrolling on the pertinent registers, other photovoltaic plants access the registers “in such a position as to remain within the following indicative cost limits of the incentives accumulated yearly: 1st register – € 140 mln; 2nd register – € 120 mln; subsequent registers – € 80 mln per register, up until the limit has been reached.